Fann Wong Biography, Age, Instagram, Sister, Son & Net Worth
Welcome to the biography discussion. Dear readers, today we will help you by highlighting some necessary information about a popular actress. We are talking about Fann Wong, a popular actress from Singapore. Through today’s article, you will learn about Fann Wong’s biography. Special mention will be made about the age of Instagram’s sister’s children and the amount of property. So if you are interested in knowing more details about this popular actress then stay tuned for our full discussion hope this discussion will give you special help to know about this popular actress in Singapore.
I will help you by providing links to the social accounts of this popular actress. In this case, you can directly follow Fann Wong to know about the update and try to contact them if necessary. So if you are interested in knowing more about Fann Wong, we think this article can help you more.
Fann Wong Biography
This actress known as Fann Wong is from Singapore. Although she is popular as an actress, she is also known as a singer as well as a businessman and model in Singapore. The popular actress has been interested in acting since her childhood and has been unwavering in her goals to become a skilled actress who currently has a large fan base. Below are several facts about Fann Wong’s subject.
- Born: January 27, 1971 (age 52 years), Singapore
- Spouse: Christopher Lee (m. 2009)
- Siblings: Fan Wen Qing
- Height: 1.71 m
- Parents: Fann Chin Khew, Wong Siew Toy
- Children: 1
Fann Wong Age
Fann Wong was born on January 27 1971 in Singapore. That is, Fann Wong’s current age is 52 years. Fann Wong’s age is being followed online by many people who are interested in knowing her age, so we are helping you to know her age with her date of birth.
- Fann Wong Age: 52 years
Fann Wong Instagram
Many people open social profiles with Fann Wong’s Instagram ID. Many people search social accounts to communicate with updated pictures of their loved ones, so we will help you by providing the profiles of a popular actress in Singapore, actress Fann Wong, through our article today. By staying with this article, you can learn about the profiles of popular actresses.
Fann Wong Profiles
- Instagram –
- Twitter –
- Facebook –
Fann Wong’s Net Worth
Many people are searching online to know about the current net worth of this popular Singaporean actress. Knowing about the subject of online search, we have come to a conclusion after searching online for a long time to know about Fann Wong’s net worth, which we hope you can find out about the net worth of popular actress Fann Wong, the net worth is mentioned below:
Fann Wong’s Net Worth: $5 million